why Pakistan should be destroyed?

It seems Pakistan and Terrorists have a deep profound love for each other since Pak has been located on the world map.These both lovers never miss a moment to represent their love to the world which they mostly do by taking part in  bomb exploding activities in various part of the world with like minds from  other Islamic nations.

In 1947, Pak separated from India.At that time mostly the muslims departed in pak rather than other religions from India. Pak was given one third part of India except Kashmir because at the time of partition ,Kashmir  was one of the thirty princely states of India whom kings were ruling therefore neither India nor Pak had the hold over Kashmir. Pak with one third part of India wanted more in form of Kashmir but he didn't succeeded in having hold over it hence for achieving it ,Pak started pushing insurgency in Kashmir which through some means hosted riots and spewed communal violence there.

This made the Kashmir king,Raja Hari Singh to seek help from India . India in turn asked the king for the sole merge of Kashmir with it.Fear of Raja Hari singh made Kashmir to integrate with India.This action feud Pak leaders with anger as it was a big slap to Pak  .From that day to now,Pak has  been pushing terrorists continuously to India .

Now the condition has almost changed, Pak's home grown terrorism which he had prepared to destroy India is now killing his people and  other nation's citizen.

Pak terror groups constitutes of big names like Taliban,Osama bin Laden,Al-Qaeda ,Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, Dawood Ibrahim etc these are the big names in the world of terrorism.These groups from past to present has killed lacks of people all over the world.

Currently, Taliban ,Al-Qaeda are the only two terror groups who are killing hundreds of people either through blast or by firing all over the world everyday. These peoples are killing innocent citizens of afghan,They even not hesitate to kill small childrens for very minor reasons like if any child found playing on the ground with a single cloth missing on  his body.

Taliban has hold over many regions of Afghanistan.The people here are killed just for doing love, ,Womens for not wearing burkhas when they roam outside,Mans for just having a look at other womens. Taliban kills these humans by pelting stones on them,beating them from belt else for a sexul region, mans penises are cut.

Underworld  Don,the asshole Dawood Ibrahim is also a part of Pakistan's terror family who in 1993 by cunducting three serial blasts in Mumbai killed more than 256 people.He could be killed yet but due to Pak's betrayal, he is alive.

 On 3 may 2011.America using his power took the revenge for killing his two thousand innocent citizens from Osama Bin Laden,killing him inside the Pakistan.

Now its has not remained the talk of one nation ,It has become the international topic. And every nation should understand that by killing one or two terrorists force ,terrorism can't be removed for ever, for this ,a strict action should be taken out from the nations for the countries which are providing shelter to these miscreants for their  own profit.
