Its U.S who wants to kill million's of poor people

It's U.S who wants to kill millions of poverty affected ill people around the world by banning India's and  some of the world's non profit organizations manufactured cheap medicines .These organisations are Oxfem india , ten organizations from Thailand, two from Malaysia and one-one from south east asia and latin America..These non profit organizations are selling medicines at ninety percent less price in comparision to the U.S firms who wants huge profit but these cheap medicines made their profit less than ninety percent. U.S pharma fims got annoyed by the decreased profit and lobbied before the obama administration to put pressure on India for making change in its patent laws which simply means to stop pushing cheap medicines for HIV aids,T.B and other fatal diseases around the world and if these non profit organizations doesn't make the price change as wanted by the U.S firms, U.S will put trade sanctions on India which in result could lead  in a ban on supply of indian medicines to european countries.India will ask U.S president Barak Obama to think in favour of poor peoples because any further restriction on Indian cheap medicines supply could lead to the death of millions of poor people around the world who don't have the ability to buy even single pill sold by the U.S firms. 
